Care team testimonials

I have been a supervisor for Bluebird Care for a year now and I can honestly say it’s been fantastic. There have been ups and downs like in any job, but the rewarding of feeling knowing that you personally have made a change for the better to someone’s life is like no other feeling I have felt before, it’s truly heartwarming. Bluebird Care has given me the opportunity to progress my career and always support me with this. We really do have a fantastic team and I wouldn’t change it for the world!
Working for Bluebird Care Scarborough & Bridlington has opened my eyes to care work and how rewarding it can be. I haven't had any previous experience in care and the team have given me all the tools I need to start a career in care and still offer support and guidance when it is needed most. Very pleased I have been openly welcomed into the team. I have never worked for a company that are so supportive and helpful.
I started at Bluebird Care in November 2014, I hadn’t worked in care before and it was my boyfriend who persuaded me to apply. I‘m not a very confident person normally so I didn’t know what to expect. Having been here just over a year I can honestly say it was the best decision I have ever made, I have made fantastic friends and the support that I provide for others makes me smile on a daily basis. Yes some days are tough and there are ups and downs but knowing I have the support from the team both out working with me and in the office really helps, I know that I can go to them with anything and they will try and help me. I’m also now doing my NVQ level 2 in Health and Social Care which I wouldn’t have done without being here and I’ve almost completed the Care Certificate, so I’m working and training constantly to help me be the best that I can be.
Can I also just say a big thank you to you all, this is by far the best company I have worked for... You're all fantastic so thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.
Working with Bluebird Care as an apprentice is a brilliant opportunity, I enjoy the fact that everyday is different, I get to meet new people and benefit from the extra training given to me as part of the apprentice scheme.