About Us
Our staff members are the face of our company and it’s our care teams that enable our customers to stay in the comfort of their own homes. Our teams provide vital care and support as well as building and growing relationships, bringing smiles to the faces of our customers, laughing, sharing experiences, listening to stories and sometimes wiping away tears.
If you find yourself unfulfilled with your current job and want to know you’ve made a positive difference each day, a career in care could be for you.
A career in care can provide an amazing and varied career pathway. No two days are the same, and you’ll have the opportunity to meet some amazing people and hear their fascinating stories. You’ll also have the knowledge that because of the vital work you, and the wider Bluebird Care team do, our customers are able to remain safe and happy in their own homes.
At Bluebird Care we specialise in working with customers and their families that require care in their own homes. We offer a unique service of personalised care visits from a daily visit to full live-in support. So no matter the need, no matter the amount of care, we are there for as much or as little as they need us.
If you want a feeling of pride each day, knowing you’ve played a vital role is supporting someone to remain in their own home then be sure to email us or give us a call to start your new career in care today!
What our care assistants say about us:
Marion, Care Assistant
I was a Community Psychiatric Nurse for over 20 years prior to joining Bluebird Care Bromley, so visiting vulnerable adults in their homes was nothing new to me!
Like many women over 60, I was caught out by the increase in the retirement age for the state pension and discovered that I was required to work for a further 6 years longer than I had realised. For me, care work was a natural choice as retired nurse, though I’ve found it very different – an enjoyable challenge which has required me to learn new skills and find new ways to put existing skills to use. The people I visit are no longer my patients but my customers, so I’ve had to learn to adapt my approach slightly, but I still love the process building relationships and getting to know them as individuals. Some of them are very fun to work with, real characters! It’s also incredibly varied as no two days are the same – even with the same customer! The training has been great, they’ve been incredibly supportive since day one, and very accommodating in offering me flexible hours which fit around my other weekly commitments. If you are in a similar position to me, “retired” but still looking for some part-time work, I would thoroughly recommend Bluebird Care Bromley.
Jane, Care Assistant
"Before I joined Bluebird Care Bromley, I was a full time mum and carer to my son. I wanted to get back to work on a part-time basis and the flexible working hours appealed to me, as of course did the nature of the work. I now work around 25 hours a week and still have time to do the things I want to do. After my initial induction I spent some time shadowing carers who showed me their customers’ daily routines. I have learnt how to deliver personal care, safe manual handling and hoisting techniques, how to record and administer medication, how to deal with dementia, and much more. Of course, sometimes I’m just lending an ear over a cup of tea. The training has been mix of classroom and office-based supervision, computer-based distance learning and learning on the job “out in the field”. I have good support from all the team leaders and other carers. I enjoy my work as I’m a sociable person and like to meet new people. I am also patient, responsible and as reliable as I can be, which is essential to providing a high standard of service to my customers. I love my job. It feels great to go home to knowing you have made a positive difference to someone’s life."
Angela, Care Assistant
"From the first day I started with Bluebird Care I've had all the training and support I've needed, and it continues to this day. The Care Plans are well set out and you usually get all the information you need from them first time. All the staff are very professional and friendly and you can always ask questions and get help when you need it, which makes for a good working atmosphere and brings out the best in everyone. We're all helping each other; everyone works as one team. The Bluebird Care service I deliver is high-quality, person-centred, respectful and professional, and I love being a part of it. As a carer, I feel valued and respected. I hold Bluebird Care in very high regard and would whole-heartedly recommend them."
Gill, Care Assistant
Working as a Bluebird Carer is a physically and emotionally demanding career, it can be frustrating and sometimes you have to make difficult decisions in the best interests of your clients. This is outweighed however by the immense satisfaction that you receive in working in partnership with your clients and enabling them to maintain independence in their own homes. You will always receive the support you need from the office. Every day is different, every client is an individual and the wide variety of clients and characters from all kinds of backgrounds that you meet makes the job constantly interesting and stimulating.
Denise, Care Assistant
I am part of the Bluebird Care Bromley "On-call" team, providing support to the business in instances of staff sickness, or emergencies which impacted the planned roster. This was a varied and demanding role, however I felt valued and it was an enjoyable experience. I now work with a regular customer group which includes support for learning difficulties, and complex care as well as care for older people. Working as a carer can be challenging yet very rewarding. You have the opportunity to support people in their daily living, and assist them in maintaining their independence. The role is varied and no two days are the same. The role is flexible working around family needs. You finish your working day knowing that you have made a difference to someone’s life however small. I would recommend this career path if you are genuinely interested in helping others.
John, Care Assistant
My employment with Bluebird Care over the last three years has been a challenging but fascinating introduction to the manifold demands of elderly care in the community. From the start I have been conscious of, and grateful for, the solid support provided by senior carers, the office team and management. At the same time I am conscious of the high reputation that Bluebird has established in the community in a short time and this acts as a stimulus to my efforts to become more professional and help maintain those high standards.
Fortunately, I have benefited from a combination of continuous training and hands-on experience guided by senior staff which has helped me continuously to improve my performance. I feel I am now a much more skilled and competent carer than when I started out, but am conscious that there is a still a long way to go.
One important aspect of the work is being able to manage people who are often under stress and not always easy to deal with. Sometimes you need to be diplomatic (if a customer is confused and resentful of outside help), and sometimes you need to be more assertive (when a customer unwittingly puts himself in harm’s way), and this is an area where you learn from your own mistakes and follow the best practice of other, more experienced carers. It also helps to be as co-operative as possible with customer’s family and friends, since they are invaluable sources of advice and guidance (even if they are sometimes harsh critics!).
In general, my work with Bluebird has been very rewarding; over time you gain the confidence and trust, and build close relationships with your customers, who come to rely on you for their physical and social support.
Mike, Care Assistant
“Always different - always the same.”
Being a carer is a curious job; one has to be prepared to expect the unexpected. I might take someone shopping one moment and the next be picking up windfall apples, checking that the correct medication is being taken or washing up after having made someone’s lunch.
But I will always do these things the way my customer likes. Did you know there are 73 ways of washing up? I know them all, but I’d be happy learn a 74th. I was new to care when I first joined and the team at Bluebird Care Bromley have been thoroughly supportive throughout this fascinating journey. I have had the pleasure of supporting some truly wonderful people through their twilight years and have mourned their passing. Care is by no means for the faint-hearted, but the sense of satisfaction you feel after a day's work is surely hard to beat.