Care assistant interviews

At Bluebird Care Wiltshire South, our care assistants are the heart of our business. We have undertaken a selection of interviews with our care assistants, who tell their story as to why they chose to work in homecare.

Below, care coordinator Anita Dyball details the interviews she undertook with lead care assistant Crystal and care assistant's Amy Bacon and Shannon Mason.

If you would like to find out more about a role with Bluebird Care Wiltshire South, please contact us on 01722 568930or email us via


Lead Care Assistant Crystal

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing our lead care assistant Crystal. I was keen to ask her about her role and what she enjoys, but before that here's a little bit of background on Crystal:

  • Her favourite film is The Impossible – a modern day disaster movie based on real life events surrounding the horrific tsunami that took place on Boxing Day back in 2004.  She’s watched it about 8 times but it still brings a lump to her throat and a tear to her eyes!
  • The best holiday she ever had was to Poland and her favourite food is pasta (not sure how much of it they serve in Poland though?!)
  • Her all-time favourite track made me laugh, she said Work, by Little Mix – do you think she’s trying to tell us something?!

I then asked Crystal some serious questions and this is what she said:
I work as a lead care assistant at Bluebird Care, based in Salisbury.  I help our customers with daily tasks and support them to remain as independent as they can be in their own homes.

I chose caring for a career as, when I was younger, someone identified my caring nature and it naturally happened from there.  Funny really because it seems to run in our family!

What’s next for Crystal?  
Well, I’ve just been promoted to lead care assistant which I’m extremely proud of and I’m currently completing my QCF level 3.  My next step will hopefully be to become a community team lead which will give me even more responsibility.

To anyone thinking of joining our team I would say “Go for it!” I really enjoy it and all of our customers are lovely.  It’s a very rewarding role.  No matter how bad a day I’m having, I put my game face on and meet my customers with a big smile – suddenly I realise that they have cheered me up so it’s great for us both!

Thank you Crystal for taking the time to tell us a little about yourself and your role.


Care Assistant Amy

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing another of our care assistant's, Amy.  I was keen to find out her thoughts regardng her role, why a career in care and what is next for Amy.

Firstly, heres some facts about Amy;

  • Favourite Film: The fault in our stars - Two teenage cancer patients begin a life-affirming journey to visit a reclusive author in Amsterdam.
  • Best holiday: I lived in Germany for 5 years – felt like a permanent holiday!
  • Favourite food: Pasta
  • All-time favourite track: Bonnie Tyler – Total eclipse of the heart!

Amy is a part time care assistant, experienced in care but looking to develop now her children are getting older. Amy has been with us since March 2016 and this is what she said in our interview:

I am a part time care assistant, visiting customers houses and providing them with essential day to day care. Care has always felt like a natural career choice, I wanted to interact with people and provide care as well as achiveing my level 3 diploma, I am also hoping to increase my hours now my children are full time at school.

I have already recommended a friend to join  our team, everyone here makes you feel right at home and i've never felt afraid to approach anyone, my confidence has definitely grown!

Thank you Amy for taking the time to tell us a little about yourself and your role.


Care Assistant Shannon

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing one of our Salisbury Carers Shannon.   I was keen to ask her about her role and what she enjoys.  

But before that, a little bit of background on Shannon:

  • Her favourite film is Beauty & Beast – Apparently you can’t beat a bit of Disney!
  • The best holiday she ever had was to Belgium and her favourite food is currently chicken noodles.
  • Her all-time favourite track – Circle of Life from Lion King – more Disney I see!

I then asked Shannon some serious questions and this is what she said:

I work as a Carer at Bluebird Care, based in Salisbury.  I help look after people and help them to be as independent as possible.

I chose caring for a career because it’s rewarding – you’re always helping people and it’s nice to feel appreciated.

What’s next for Shannon?  

Well, I’m just about to go on leave to have a baby but I’ll be back and will be continuing where I left off.

To anyone thinking of joining our team I would say “Do it – it will probably be the best decision you ever make!” I can honestly say that they are the nicest Company to work for!

Thank you Shannon for taking the time to tell us a little about yourself and your role.