Customer testimonials

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Customer testimonials

Always bright and cheerful

We are most grateful for all the help my husband and myself receive from Bluebird. They are kind and efficient, thorough and versatile. They are always bright and cheerful and very sociable. He does not get many visitors. His male contemporaries are few - at 90 many have departed this life. The Bluebirds more than make up for the lack of friends to visit him.
Excellent service from start of care to date of death of my Dad. The staff were amazing. The care, not just for Dad, but the whole family was just perfect. As a senior nurse, my standards are high and they were not only met but exceeded. The fast track team training is evident. They all became like family. We laughed and cried together with the carers. Caught one of them even doing a dance with him to 50's music. Literally angels work for Bluebird. We thank you from the bottom of our heats.
D M (Daughter of Customer) – Sheffield
I have been delighted with the service my 91-year-old Mum receives from Bluebird Care. There has been really good continuity of care and the two carers who mostly come are both kind, committed and reliable. Having had them visiting for more than 18 months now, they are starting to feel like part of the family. My Mum likes them and feels safe with them - they make a big difference to her quality of life and are helping to keep her as well as possible.
C A (Daughter of Customer) - Clapham
The care ladies all do an excellent job and are kind and do everything with dignity, with excellent care and understanding. I could not be able without them. I call them my lovely blue angels.
R A (Customer) - West Dorset
The care I receive from the Bluebird ladies enables me to continue living in my own home, which is what I really want to do for as long as possible.
M S (Customer) – Vale of Glamorgan
Bluebird Care have been my saving grace. They have done the best job, it’s remarkable. I feel like I have a fresh life. I have fresh courage and it’s all because of the carers. It feels like a resurrection. Bluebird Care have my eternal love and I’m so grateful 
Prof. Hall